Order Insignia Pin

Order Insignia Pin

Original price was: $20,00.Current price is: $15,00.

Only 35 left in stock

The Order Insignia is the pin of the Order Series. It identificates you as a proud member of the Upper party.


  • Size 1,25″
  • Ancient Gold Finish
  • Made by Coins for Anything
  • Identificates you as a member of the Upper Party

Order Insignia is included for free in every Propaganda Box or Leader Monsterbox of the Order Kickstarter campaign.

Order Utopian Coin is not included in this product, but is shown on the gallery as proportion.

Only 35 left in stock

SKU: insignia-pin Categories: , Tags: ,


Order Insignia is an high-valued pin made for Upper Party members. It’s a 1,25″, Ancient Gold Finish.

Order Insignia is used to identificate the members of the Upper Party. The ones who have this pin on their clothes are respected and feared.

Of course, it’s illegal own an Insignia if you’re not a member of the Upper Party.

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